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boost immunity

Boost Immunity

boost immunity


There is a lot of information on the internet with regards to boosting your immune system, but here are a few of my own personal favourites..

I’ll share what I use first and then how I incorporate them into my days.

  • Camu Camu powder – One of the highest vitamin C containing plants on the planet! So whilst everyone is stocking up on vitamin C tablets, I go for this instead!
  • Garlic
  • Lemon
  • Blueberries
  • Raw greens – spinach, broccoli, kale, wild garlic if in season, dandelion leaves
  • Ginger
  • Matcha powder
  • Turmeric


If it’s cold and flu season or if I start to feel a bit under the weather I always add more of these to my diet.

As I’ve said above Camu Camu is incredibly high in vitamin C and it is natural.. no added crap that goes into the types you buy from the shop. I make sure I’ve got this and then I add it to smoothies.


The Green Smoothie Recipe

Frozen banana, handful of spinach, mango, matcha powder, cashew butter (optional), dairy free milk or water.


The Blueberry Smoothie Recipe

Frozen blueberries, frozen banana, dairy free milk, fresh ginger, tablespoon cacao powder (optional), cashew butter, camu camu.


Optional smoothie extras – chia seeds, half an avocado, hemp seeds, medjool dates, melted coconut oil.


Your body won’t thank you for cold things first of all in the morning so wake up your metabolism with warm water and lemon first.


The Elixir

Juice from a lemon, clove of garlic, inch chunk of ginger, water, black pepper, turmeric, cayenne pepper, local honey or a date / maple syrup to sweeten.

There are two ways of doing this.. Either put all ingredients in a saucepan and heat on a low heat for 20 minutes – put extra water in at the start as it will reduce down.

Or.. blend all ingredients in a blender and then heat up for a few minutes..



cacao shot I like to do a Cacao shot first thing in the morning.. Chunk of ginger, half a cup worth of water, cayenne pepper, tablespoon of cacao, either honey, maple syrup or a chunk of frozen banana if you have some in the freezer to sweeten. Blend until smooth and do as a shot..



There are plenty of soup recipes on my website. A great and easy way to get a load of vegetables into your body. Add extra greens, fresh ginger, garlic, turmeric and give it a squeeze of lemon at the end to boost your immunity.


Matcha latte or tea.. instead of coffee. Matcha is very high in antioxidants and chlorophyll and good for detoxing your body. So good for replenishing the cells and flushing your system out.


Eat plenty of greens with everything, regardless of whatever food diet you follow. Raw is best too so I like to make a nice superfood salad, see recipe here. Raw vegetables are great for your immune system. Cooking destroys some of the nutrients so even if it’s just a few celery or carrot sticks with hummus, do try and incorporate raw veg into your diet.. regardless of being ill or not. FYI – Raw vegetables help digestion.


Garlic contains compounds with medicinal properties, so as well as adding it to your soups, why not try making your own hummus so you can get some raw benefits too. It’s easy just blend chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, tahini and sea salt.


We can certainly help our bodies with what we put in her/him. Eating healthier doesn’t always prevent us from getting ill but it can lessen it and help speed up recovery time.


Tanya x x