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turmeric latte

Turmeric Latte

turmeric latte


Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years because of it’s medicinal benefits!

It is a great natural anti-inflammatory.. Ideal for us ladies to have during our time of the month, it’s both comforting and will help with menstrual cramps.

It helps relaxation, I always sleep better if I have just before bed and I also find that it’s good for sugar cravings. Sometimes I have after dinner for my something sweet. It does satisfy that sweet craving and as I said above, will help you sleep better.

You need..

  • cup of your favourite dairy free milk
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • dash of cinnamon
  • small chunk of ginger
  • small pinch of black pepper

I like to add a superfood powder such as Ashwagandha or Siberian Ginseng, but that’s optional.

What to do..

Blend all ingredients in your blender and then warm it up in a pan.

Turmeric works best when it is taken with a bit of black pepper as it helps release the curcumin goodness and absorb it into your body.

Our bodies don’t absorb curcumin into the bloodstream very well, so using black pepper which contains piperine helps absorption.

There are numerous health benefits with turmeric, including antioxidants, boosting our memory and immune system, lowering blood glucose levels, helping our circulatory system, cleansing your liver and boosting your mood. It’s understandable as to why this medicinal herb with its’s anti-bacterial properties has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years!

The other ingredients in this elixir also come with great health benefits too. Cinnamon is fab for balancing your blood sugars so will also help to fight sugar cravings. Ginger is medicinal and can help digestion, it is also an anti-inflammatory and also has anti-cancer properties.

So it truly is a cup of golden goodness.


Tanya x